MyLife Evolving Privacy Policy


Welcome to MyLife! We are committed to protecting the privacy and security of our members' data. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, store, and share your information, as well as your rights regarding your personal data.

Data Collection

We collect personal data exclusively from our members. This includes a wide range of information, from basic identifiers to deeply private and personal data. We assure you that the collection of this data is with your consent and is essential for the services we provide.

Use of Data

Your data is used for the following purposes:

  • To create and manage your digital avatar and MyLife account.
  • For internal, anonymized machine learning to improve our services.
  • For sharing with posterity based explicit consent obtained through natural conversations with the MyLife platform.

Data Sharing and Consent

We do not share your data with third parties without your explicit consent. This consent can be anonymized or direct and may involve compensation. We respect your choices and provide you with control over how your data is used and shared.

Data Governance and User Control

You have full control over your data. You can access, update, or request deletion of your data at any time by simply stating your preferences to your avatar. Your consent preferences will be stored as a text summary attached to the object ID of your data.

Data Security

We employ industry-standard security measures, including encryption, to protect your data. In the unlikely event of a data breach, we have procedures in place to minimize harm and will inform you accordingly.

Policy Updates

We review and update our Privacy Policy quarterly or more frequently as needed. Changes will be communicated to you through your primary avatar and on our website.

Contact Information

For any questions or concerns regarding your privacy, please contact us at or through our support bot at

Data Retention

Certain summary data is retained perennially as one of the benefits of MyLife. However, you can request the deletion of specific data, and we will honor your request promptly.